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RTD Rider’s Guide

GDT > RTD Rider’s Guide

The Regional Transportation District (RTD) provides public transportation in eight counties including all of Boulder, Broomfield, Denver and Jefferson counties, parts of Adams, Arapahoe and Douglas Counties, and a small portion of Weld County. The agency serves a population of 3.08 million people located within 2,342 square miles. RTD services include bus, rail, shuttles, ADA paratransit services, demand responsive services like FlexRide, special event services, vanpools, and many more.

How to Ride
A guide on how to use
RTD’s buses and trains..

Boulder transit map.

Easy to read maps of the
entire RTD System.

A guide to RTD schedules
& how get to places.

A guide to RTD fares &
how to buy tickets.

Transit App
The official mobility app of Greater Denver Transit.

Safety & Security
Safety & security information for RTD riders.

Ways to get to the game using RTD.

A guide to bike facilities
at transit stations.

Tips and Tricks
Some useful things regular RTD riders should know…

RTD temporary schedule change sign.

Temporary Service Changes
Details of changes and
disruptions to your journey..

How to make a comment
or report an issue to RTD.